Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical spondylosis is a common degenerative condition of the cervical spine. It is most likely caused by age-related wear and tear affecting vertebral bones, joints and discs of the neck. As discs age, they fragment, lose water and becomes stiff. Body reacts towards it and develop bony growth i.e. osteophytes. These bony growths put pressure on spinal nerves causing symptoms of the disease. According to Ayurveda this is called Grivasandhigat vata. It is aggravated by vitiated vata and ama. Ama is undigested food in a toxin form and it blocks micro channels of the body due to its viscosity and thus causing accumulation of vata dosha in the neck region by blocking the channels of neck.

Aggravating Factors

  1. Repeated motion injury in metro cities mainly Computer related . These can be worsened by bad posture and sitting for extended periods of time.
  2. Familial cases have been reported; a genetic cause is possible.
  3. Smoking also may be a risk factor.
  4. Ayurveda views exposure to cold, indigestion , prolonged sitting in inappropriate posture also as aggravating factor 

  1. Intermittent neck and shoulder pain is the most common symptom seen. 
  2. The neck pain experienced with cervical spondylosis is often accompanied by stiffness, with radiation into the shoulders or back of head that may be chronic or episodic with long periods of remission. 
  3. One third of patients with cervical spondylosis present with headache, and greater than two thirds present with unilateral or bilateral shoulder pain. A significant amount of these patients also present with arm, forearm, and/or hand pain.
  4. Greater than one third of patients with cervical spondylysis have anxious or depressed moods related to their decreased mobility.

Management of Cervical Spondylosis at Sukhayurveda

1) Sukhayurveda Detox therapies for Cervical Spondylosis

We at Sukhayurveda not only cure disease by medicines only but also give internal purification by various ayurvedic panchkarma therapies. For Cervical Spondylosis we provide abhyangam full body massage, grivavasti, potali massage, medicated oil enema and therapeutic purgation. Oil enema and therapeutic purgation have a major impact on it as it is a vata disorder and large intestine is the place of natural vata. Moreover it also cleans aam from the intestines. We at Sukhayurveda provide special programmes for Computer related injuries.

SukhAyurveda Detox Therapies address the problem of toxin accumulation by systematically:

  • Loosening impurities that have become embedded in tissues and helping in liquiefying them for easy absorption into the circulation and eventual elimination. 
  • Softening and opening the channels of circulation and elimination so proper nourishment can reach the tissues and impurities can be more easily eliminated from them. 
  • Activating the elimination process for the most thorough cleansing of the entire physiology. 
The risks of computer related injuries can be reduced or eliminated with proper posture, practical tips, Yogic exercises and Ayurvedic therapies.

2) Proper Nutrition

SukhAyurveda Consultant provides detailed understanding of which foods to favor and avoid for your condition. Avoid foods that are hard-to-digest (like milk, caffeine, pulses like kidney bean, etc) clogging to the physiology and aggravating to the doshas (functioning modes) that are already imbalanced in you. Favor foods that are easy-to-digest, nourishing, cleanse the physiology, strengthening digestion.

3) Creating Strong Digestion

Our ability to properly digest food is as important as what specific food we eat. Incompletely digested foods create toxins and impurities that are eventually absorbed, travel throughout the physiology, localize in tissues and disrupt their functioning. This process plays a major role in Cervical Spondylosis. SukhAyurveda Consultant provides recommendations for strengthening digestion including information in the following areas:
  • Proper use of spices and cooking oils. 
  • Herbal preparations for improving digestion. 
  • Important differences between breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
  • A simple system to determine a balanced diet. 
  • Digestion-enhancing foods to favor. 
  • Digestion-depressing foods to reduce.. 
  • Proper food combinations to avoid indigestion. 
  • Non-dietary regiments to improve digestive strength including exercise, specific Yoga asanas and breathing techniques. 
4) Ayurveda herbs

Their purpose is to restore balance to the doshas (specific functioning modes) whose malfunctioning is causing your condition. SukhAyurveda Consultant selects the appropriate herbal formulas for improving the function of your body. Traditional Ayurveda theory says that herbs are most effective after a person completes a Detox program. To improve digestion trikatu, chitrak are best drugs to be used. Gugulu, rasna, ashavgandha, nirgundi etc are the main drus used for relieving pain.The cleansing and rejuvenation treatments are the main focus at SukhAyurveda. Once cleansing program is finished, maximum benefits are achieved from herbal program.

5) Stress Management

Excessive mental, emotional and physical stress can worsen the symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis. Stress causes headache and worsens neck pain and stiffness.Enhancing the body's ability to recover from stress is an integral part of our approach to health and well-being. The following programs help reverse the body's response to stress.
6) Lifestyle and Daily Routine

One of the most important factors for maintaining healthy functioning is to have a lifestyle that does not disturb natural bodily rhythms. When we eat, sleep and exercise in constantly fluctuating and disturbing patterns, the body loses its natural balancing cycles and cannot cleanse or heal itself as effectively. These all lifestyle disturbances can be prevented by simple measures provided by Sukhayurveda .
SukhAyurveda Consultants reviews daily routine and creates a daily schedule that will increase balance in physiology and aid in healing of the body.
Instruction in body mechanics focuses on low-load concepts. These include avoiding forward bending and rotation of the neck, avoiding prolonged extension of the neck, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, and selecting the proper chair.

7) Yoga

SukhAyurveda considers Yoga as a non-dietary regiment to improve digestive strength, circulation, nervous system function, the body's healing response.We offer Yoga classes every day and teach simple but profound set of postures that you can practice daily. Exercises designed for cervical pain include isometric neck strengthening routines, neck and shoulder stretching and flexibility exercises, back strengthening exercises, and aerobic exercises.
Pranayam , Meditation are also advised for their psychosomatic benefits of restful alertness in mind and body.

8) Strengthening the Body's Natural Healing and Self-Repair Mechanisms

We at Sukhayrveda not only cure disease but also boost one’s inner capacity to fight with diseases.The healing response is one of the most complex and coordinated activities within the human physiology and often cannot be strengthened significantly without a comprehensive natural approach
 Taking together, all the SukhAyurveda programs described above, aim to create the ideal mental, physical and behavioral environment for healing.

Happy Ayurveda!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Frozen Shoulder

A Frozen shoulder is a shoulder joint with significant loss of its range of motion in all directions, especially when we turn the arm upwards and away from the body. It is also known as Adhesive Capsulitis. According to ayurveda it is known as Avabahuk and it is caused by vitiated vata dosha. Due to faulty dietary habits and life style vata dosha is vitiated and it travels throughout the whole body. Where it finds the blockage of channels it accumulates there and in avbahuk the channels of the shoulder joint get blocked and it causes accumulation of vata dosha there. Vata dosha causes symptoms like pain, pricking sensation, stiffness and difficulty in movements.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder 
  1. Inflammation, scarring, thickening and shrinkage of the capsule surrounding shoulder joint.
  2.  Injury to the shoulder joint
  3. Tendinitis, bursitis and rotator cuff injury

Prevalence of Frozen Shoulder

It is more prevalent in patients of Diabetes and chronic inflammatory arthritis of shoulder joint, after chest or breast surgery. Long-term immobility of the shoulder joint can put the people at risk to develop frozen shoulder.

Management of Frozen Shoulder

1) Sukhayurveda Detox and Purification therapy

We at Sukhayurveda concentrate on treating the root cause of the disease. Frozen shoulder is mainly a disease of vata dosha and first of all we give the therapy to pacify vata dosha. Our detox therapy includes abhyangam, Oil Bath i.e. Pizichil and Herbal Bun Massage medicated enema and nasayam i.e. nasal insufflations in case of frozen shoulder. These therapies vary from person to person according to their constitution and disease causing factors. This gives a lot of relaxation to muscles surrounding shoulder joint.

2) Proper Nutrition

SukhAyurveda Consultant provides detailed understanding of which foods to favor and avoid for your condition. Favor foods that are easy-to-digest, nourishing, cleanse the physiology, strengthen digestion and balance your body’s inner intelligence.

3) Ayurveda Herb

Sukhayurveda consultant advises various herbal formulas according to the disease. Drugs like rasna, nirgundi, guggulu etc. have a good pain relieving effect in joint disorders like frozen shoulder. The above mentioned drugs should be taken only after consulting a Qualified Ayurvedic Physician. We at Sukhayurveda provide various formulations of all these and many more herbs.

4) Life style and daily routine

SukhAyurveda Consultant advises proper life style to the patient for reduction of the episodes of exacerbation and rehabilitation. Sedentary life style, excessive exercises, cold exposure and wandering in rain should be avoided. Bathing with cold water should be strictly avoided. Warm water bath is recommended.

5) Yoga Therapy

Physiotherapy and yogasanas have a major role in restoring the movements of the Frozen Shoulder. We at Sukhayurveda provide specific yoga therapies and exercises for the patients of various Diseases. Shoulder rotation exercises help relieving pain and increase shoulder joint movements. Maintaining as much range of motion as possible in your shoulder is important. Sukhayurveda consultant advises you how to move your shoulder joint through comfortable range of motion planes to avoid further stiffening.

6) Strengthening the Body's Natural Healing and Self-Repair Mechanisms

Sukhayurveda not only cures disease by therapies but also boost one’s inner strength to fight with diseases naturally. The healing response is one of the most complex and coordinated activities within the human physiology and often cannot be strengthened significantly without a comprehensive natural approach. We not only gives relief from pain but also make internal environment strong to not to develop the disease again.
Taking together, all the SukhAyurveda health programmes described above you can create the ideal mental, physical and behavioral environment for healing.

Happy Ayurveda!


Low back pain is not a specific disease; rather it is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different processes. Back pain can have many reasons, but often no specific cause will be found and the pain will stop. According to ayurveda this is a vata disorder. The vata dosha gets vitiated due to various reasons of faulty dietary and life style habits. This vitiated vata dosha travels throughout the body and accumulates in the area of blocked channels. In this case it finds blockage in the channels of the low back area and gets accumulated there thus causing pain.

Causes of low back pain

Common causes involve diseases or injury to the muscles, bones or nerves of the spine. Pain from the diseases of abdominal, pelvic and chest organs can also radiate to back. Normal pregnancy can also cause back pain due to stretching the pelvic ligaments and straining the low back.
1)  Ankylosing Spondilitis causing stiffness and pain in the spine worsen in the morning.
2)  In cauda equine syndrome, the spinal cord is directly compressed causing nerve compression. The patient may experience pain and loss of sensation in the area supplied by compressed nerve, bowel or bladder dysfunction.
3)  Infections of the bones of the spine are among the uncommon causes.
4)  Nerves infection with herpes zoster virus can cause nerve inflammation in the upper or lower part of the spine causing pain.
5)  Disc prolapse between the lower back bones causes nerve root irritation. Sciatica is a common example of nerve root irritation. In Ayurveda this disease is called Gridhrasi. This disease is caused by vitiated vata and kapha. In this case pain starts from the back and traverses throughout the leg up to the great toe.

Symptoms of low back pain
1)    Pain in the low back area is the primary symptom. The pain may radiate downwards the front, side or back of the leg.
2)    Pain may be worse with activity or prolonged sitting.
3)    Numbness or weakness of the area supplied by the compressed nerve
Management Back pain due to Nerve compression at SukhAyurveda

1)    SukhAyurveda Detox Therapies for Low Back Pain
The most powerful treatments for removing toxins are the SukhAyurveda Detox Therapies. These treatment programs may include Abhyangam massage, Herbal bun (pottali) massage, purgation and mild herbal enema. Kadivasti has a major impact in treating patients of low back pain. These treatments are given in combination according to the patients’ constitution and disease. These create the ideal internal physical environment for healing.
SukhAyurveda Detox Therapies address the problem of toxin accumulation by systematically
  • Loosening impurities that have become embedded in tissues and helping liquiefy them for easy absorption into the circulation and eventual elimination.
  • Softening and opening the channels of circulation and elimination so proper nourishment can reach the tissues and impurities can be more easily eliminated from them.
  • Activating the elimination process for the most thorough cleansing of the entire physiology.
2)    Proper Nutrition

SukhAyurveda Consultant provides guidance for proper diet to be taken and to avoid the food items aggravating disease. Avoid foods that are hard-to-digest (like milk, caffeine, pulses like kidney bean, etc) clogging to the physiology and aggravating to the doshas(functioning modes) that are already imbalanced in you. Favor foods that are easy-to-digest, nourishing, cleanse the physiology, strengthen digestion and balance your body's inner intelligence.

3)    Ayurveda herbs

Their purpose is to restore balance to the doshas(specific functioning modes) whose malfunctioning is causing your condition. SukhAyurveda Consultant selects the appropriate herbal formulas for allieviating vata and kapha doshas.
Traditional Ayurveda theory says that herbs are most effective after a person completes a Detox program. The cleansing and rejuvenation treatments are the main focus at SukhAyurveda. Once cleansing program is finished, maximum benefits are achieved from herbal program.

4)     Lifestyle and Daily Routine

One of the most important factors for maintaining healthy functioning is to have a lifestyle that does not disturb natural bodily rhythms. When we eat, sleep and exercise in constantly fluctuating and disturbing patterns, the body loses its natural balancing cycles and cannot cleanse or heal itself as effectively. SukhAyurveda Consultants reviews daily routine and creates a daily schedule that will increase balance in physiology and aid in healing of the body.
                   Stretching activities that place additional strain on the back are discouraged. While sleeping on your back keep a pillow under your knees and in case lying on one side keep a pillow in between your knees. This keeps your back straight and helps in relieving pain also. In sitting positions a support to low back should be given by a small pillow or rolled towel.
                   Don’t bend forward to lift heavy objects if you will have to lift weight then keep your back straight up and down, head up and lift with your knees.

5)     Yoga

SukhAyurveda considers Yoga as a non-dietary regiment to improve digestive strength, circulation, nervous system function, the body's healing response.
We offer Yoga classes every day and teach simple but profound set of postures that you can practice daily. For Low back pain we recommend
1)    Shallabh asana
2)    Nauka asana
3)    Bhujang asana

          Many other yogasanas are also advised according to the patient’s problem. Low impact exercises like swimming, walking and bicycling can increase overall fitness without straining the low back.

6)     Strengthening the Body's Natural Healing and Self-Repair Mechanisms

Ultimately every treatment approach must depend on the body's natural healing ability for a real cure of the condition. SukhAyurveda approach is not to attack the disorder with something from the outside, but to attempt to enliven the innate healing response of the body.
The healing response is one of the most complex and coordinated activities within the human physiology and often cannot be strengthened significantly without a comprehensive natural approach.
Taking together, all the SukhAyurveda programs described above, aim to create the ideal mental, physical and behavioral environment for healing

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ayurvedic Approach to Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can often be caused by a variety of imbalances that have become deeply embedded in the physiology over years. True healing of these imbalances requires a comprehensive approach, using several healing modalities.
Through its unique assessment of causal imbalances at the basis of a condition and its wide range of time-tested recommendations, SukhAyurveda provides the most comprehensive natural approach for chronic pain available today.
The Root Causes of Chronic Pain
According to Ayurveda, the following are the general types of imbalances at the source of most chronic conditions, including chronic pain:
  1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Poor digestion.
  4. Imbalance of the nervous system.
  5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress.
  6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity.
  7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms.
The common modern medical approach that matches drugs to symptoms does not completely address many of these factors. As a result, modern medicine often cannot fully remove the disorder and the condition becomes chronic. Chronic means that the condition persists over time even with the best modern medical treatment.

SukhAyurveda Program for Chronic Pain
SukhAyurveda therapies are not only effective at removing the imbalances at the basis of chronic disorders but also have no significant side-effects. The goal of this Ayurveda approach is to enliven the body's natural healing and self-repair ability not only to help cure chronic pain, but also to prevent disorder and create the highest state of health and well-being.

1) Removing the Buildup of Toxins and Impurities
Most chronic disorders start when toxins accumulate in tissues and begin to disrupt the delicate biochemistry there. Toxin buildup can also obstruct the channels of circulation and elimination. This blockage prevents proper nutrition from reaching the tissues and blocks the processes that cleanse them of impurities.
SukhAyurveda Consultant provides natural recommendations to remove and help prevent toxin accumulation from:
a.     Hard-to-digest food
b.    Poor digestion
c.     Poor elimination
d.    Improper metabolism
e.     Mental and physical stress

SukhAyurveda Rejuvenation Therapies
The most powerful treatments for removing toxins and opening circulation are the SukhAyurveda Rejuvenation Therapy treatments. This treatment program includes of massage, heat treatment and mild herbal enema. These three treatments are given in combination every day for 5 to 21 days create the ideal internal physical environment for healing.
SukhAyurveda Rejuvenation Therapy treatments address the problem of toxin accumulation by systematically:
  • Loosening impurities that have become embedded in tissues and helping liquefy them for easy absorption into the circulation and eventual elimination.
  • Softening and opening the channels of circulation and elimination so proper nourishment can reach the tissues and impurities can be more easily eliminated from them.
  • Activating the elimination process for the most thorough cleansing of the entire physiology.

Ayurvedic Oil Massage
Ayurvedic oil massage is used in treatments to aid the cleansing process. SukhAyurveda Consultant chooses specific Ayurvedic oil that is individually prepared for your condition.
Ayurvedic oil massage provides a deeply soothing and balancing effect for the entire physiology. The motion of massage creates heat and friction which enhance circulation and help cleanse affected tissues of chemical impurities that could be causing symptoms of chronic pain. The oil and herbs cleanse and nourish the tissues to aid in their repair and development.
The various herbs that have been boiled into base oil, and the oil itself, are specifically chosen for their effectiveness in removing the imbalances at the basis of your condition. The oil helps the balancing process by allowing the herbs to more deeply penetrate the affected tissues.
This program involves two types of Ayurvedic massage:
  • Abhyanga massage is a gentle yet firm body massage from head to toe using warm blended oils chosen according to your dosha. The oils gently applied over the body as two therapists perform synchronized massage movements to give you a deeply relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

  • Hot Herbal Poultice Massage This centuries-old treatment consists of a therapeutic massage using warm poultices filled with healing, fragrant herbs and spices from India. Warm oils are applied over your body. Then, utilizing the poultice, your therapist massages your body in slow rhythmic movements. Indian massage techniques are used to trace the energy pathways, pressure points, and lymphatic drainage. Every touch induces a new level of relaxation and healing. The fragrant therapeutic nature of the oils, poultice, and massage making this a heavenly, sumptuous experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, refreshed and wonderfully relaxed.

2) Proper Nutrition
SukhAyurveda Consultant provides detailed understanding of which foods to favor and avoid for your condition. Avoid foods that are hard-to-digest, clogging to the physiology and aggravating to the functioning modes that are already imbalanced in you. Favor foods that are easy-to-digest, nourishing, cleanse the physiology, strengthen digestion and balance your body's inner intelligence.
One of the great strengths of the Ayurveda dietary approach is that it contains knowledge of how to have a light, easy-to-digest diet that still is both satisfying and nourishing. Many individuals have easily followed this diet and have improved their digestion and energy while also reducing their symptoms.

Ayurveda herbs
Herbs are considered nutritional supplements in Ayurveda. Their purpose is to restore balance to the specific functioning modes whose malfunctioning is causing your condition. SukhAyurveda Consultant selects the appropriate herbal formulas for aiding the healing process; strengthening digestion and helping the body purify itself of toxins and free radicals.
Free radicals are a specific class of chemicals that are highly irritating to the physiology. Scientific research has found that free radicals contribute to a wide variety of disorders. When appropriate, SukhAyurveda Consultants recommend Ayurveda herbs that research has shown contain powerful anti-oxidants and free radical scavengers.
Traditional Ayurveda theory says that herbs are most effective after a person completes an internal cleansing program. The cleansing and rejuvenation treatments are the main focus at SukhAyurveda. Once cleansing program is finished, maximum benefits are achieved from herbal program.

3) Creating Strong Digestion
Our ability to properly digest food is as important as what specific food we eat. Incompletely digested foods create toxins and impurities that are eventually absorbed, travel throughout the physiology, localize in tissues and disrupt their functioning. This process plays a major role in a wide variety of chronic conditions, including chronic pain.
SukhAyurveda Consultant provides recommendations for strengthening digestion including information in the following areas:
  • Proper use of spices and cooking oils.
  • Herbal preparations for improving digestion.
  • Important differences between breakfast, lunch and dinner foods.
  • A simple system to determine a balanced diet.
  • Digestion-enhancing foods to favor.
  • Digestion-depressing foods to reduce.
  • Eating behavior for maximum digestion.
  • Proper food combinations to avoid indigestion.
  • Non-dietary regiments to improve digestive strength including exercise, specific Yoga asanas and breathing techniques.

4) Balancing Nervous System Activity
The nervous system controls most bodily functions, and almost every chronic condition is affected in some way when the nervous system activity becomes imbalanced. According to Ayurveda, the physiological principle at the basis of nervous system stability and activation is called Vata. Because nervous system imbalance contributes to chronic pain, from the Ayurveda perspective Vata imbalance is an underlying cause of the condition and needs to be reversed.
SukhAyurveda contains a wide variety of time-tested Ayurveda recommendations to help restore balance to Vata and remove the symptoms caused by its aggravation. These include specific diets, herbs, cleansing programs, Yoga asanas and Yoga breathing exercises.

5) Stress Management
Excessive mental, emotional and physical stress can worsen the symptoms of many chronic disorders, including chronic pain. This is due to hormonal changes and other biochemical responses to stress that can imbalance the nervous system and depress the healing ability of the body.
Enhancing the body's ability to recover from stress is an integral part of our approach to health and well-being. The following programs help reverse the body's response to stress:
  • Ayurveda massage and heat treatments
  • Yoga asana postures
  • Meditation

6) Lifestyle and Daily Routine
One of the most important factors for maintaining healthy functioning is to have a lifestyle that does not disturb natural bodily rhythms. When we eat, sleep and exercise in constantly fluctuating and disturbing patterns, the body loses its natural balancing cycles and cannot cleanse or heal itself as effectively. Therefore, regularity in our daily routine can be extremely effective in reducing physiological imbalance at the basis of chronic pain.
SukhAyurveda Consultants reviews daily routine and creates a daily schedule that will increase balance in physiology and aid in healing of the body.

7) Exercise and Flexibility Education
SukhAyurveda considers proper stretching and flexibility exercises to have a very positive effect on circulation, nervous system function, the body's healing response and the treatment of many chronic conditions.
We offer Yoga classes every day and teach simple but profound set of postures that you can practice daily to improve circulation and create a healthy flexibility throughout the body. We also instruct you in individualized Yoga breathing practices that create a state of restful alertness in mind and body.

8) Strengthening the Body's Natural Healing and Self-Repair Mechanisms
Ultimately every treatment approach must depend on the body's natural healing ability for a real cure of the condition. SukhAyurveda's approach is not to attack the disorder with something from the outside, like drugs or surgery, but to attempt to enliven the innate healing response of the body.
The healing response is one of the most complex and coordinated activities within the human physiology and often cannot be strengthened significantly without a comprehensive natural approach.
Taken together, all the SukhAyurveda programs described above aim to create the ideal mental, physical and behavioral environment for healing.

Happy Ayurveda!

Monday, August 8, 2011

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Saturday, August 6, 2011


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic joint disorder of unknown cause. It involves multiple synovial joints in symmetric fashion mainly of hands and feet. Organs other than joints such as the skin, heart, lungs, and eyes can also be involved. Cervical spine involvement usually affects C1-C2 and may potentially cause serious neurologic consequences. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common form of childhood arthritis.

Ayurvedic View
In ayurveda rheumatoid arthritis is known as Aamvata. When the digestive fire decreases due to various reasons the food remains undigested. This undigested food is called Aam. It travels throughout the body and due to its viscous nature it blocks channels and causes increase of vata dosha. In the favourable conditions when this increased vata occupies joints along-with aam it causes aamvata.
This disease also has a relation with mind. It is commonly seen that RA attacks women mostly; it shows that this has some "emotional" reasons also, whether these are responsible for causing it or aggravates it. In many cases it has been noted that women with lot of depression are suddenly caught by this disease, it also proves the impact of psychological stress and changes on the disease.

Aggravating Factors
1) Genetic susceptibility
 2) An external trigger like trauma and infection that triggers autoimmunity
3) Sex hormones
4) Immunological factors

1)    Difficulty in day to day activities
2)    Fatigue, malaise, weight loss
3)    Morning stiffness
4)    Low grade fever
5)    Painful  and swollen joints
6)    Rheumatic nodule formation occurs in subcutaneous tissues of the finger, in toe and heel pads, in tendons, and in viscera.

Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis

1)   SukhAyurveda detox and purification therapy
According to ayurveda this disease is mainly caused by aam and we at SukhAyurveda give purification therapies to eliminate aam from the body so that blockage of channels should be removed. Therapeutic purgation i.e. virechana and medicated enema should be done to eliminate aam.  Sukhayurveda’s Arthritis care therapies including full body Abhyangam, Ilakizhi(pottali Massage), NavaraKizhi(Medicated Rice Pottali massage), Svedanam(Steam bath) are used along with Destress therapies like Shirodhara, aromatherapy.

2)   Proper Nutriton
We at SukhAyurveda help to improve the digestion by giving herbal    formulations and advising simple adaptive modifications of diet to the patients. Cold, spicy, stale and hard to digest food should be avoided. Proper spacing between two meals is necessary. One should take Old Rice, Butter Milk, Wet Ginger, Garlic, Wheat, Bitter gourd and Horse Gram in his diet. Avoid consumption of Dairy products, Sweets, Oily foods, Chinese Food, Junk and Fast Foods, Salty and Sour Foods, Jaggery, Black Gram, Fish, Cold Drinks and Ice Creams.

3) Physical exercise
Fatigue and decreased endurance are frequent symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A reduction in muscle strength is noted due to the disease itself and to the lack of physical activity in these patients. Exercise is an important part of the rehabilitation management of Rheumatoid arthritis. We at SukhAyurveda recommend various Yogic exercises to the patients to improve joint activity.
4)Life style
SukhAyurveda Consultant advises proper life style to the patient for reduction of the episodes of exacerbation and rehabilitation. Sedentary life style, excessive exercises, cold exposure and wandering in rain should be avoided. Bathing with cold water should be strictly avoided. Warm water bath is recommended. It is also advisable to take a gentle walk after consumption of food. Also it is good to avoid water intake immediately after consuming food.

5) Herbal Preparations
Sukhayurveda consultant advises various herbal formulas according to the disease. Guggulu and castor oil are most effective drugs in treating ‘Amavata’. Also herbal preparations of Ashwagandha, haritaki, Rasna, Shunthi, Pippali and Trivrut are helpful in ‘Aamvata’. The above mentioned drugs should be taken only after consulting a Qualified Ayurvedic Consultant.

6)Strengthening the Body's Natural Healing and Self-Repair Mechanisms
Sukhayurveda not only cures disease by therapies but also boost one’s inner strength to fight with diseases naturally. The healing response is one of the most complex and coordinated activities within the human physiology and often cannot be strengthened significantly without a comprehensive natural approach.
Taking together, all the SukhAyurveda health programmes described above you can create the ideal mental, physical and behavioral environment for healing.

Happy Ayurveda!